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The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse Project provides a beacon of hope for individuals who feel lost and alone in a stormy sea of difficult experiences.


Our mentors act as Lighthouses, lighting the way when it is hard to see clearly. They provide a reassuring and reliable presence for individuals who need a little guidance.


When asked ‘In what way has The Lighthouse Project helped you?’ one mentee said:


“Without mentoring support, I couldn't have done any of the positive things I have done. You were so accessible. I knew you were right there if I needed you.”


The Lighthouse Project aims to provide light, direction and hope into the lives of the individuals we mentor over a period of three to six months.


This non-judgemental, professional relationship increases mentees’ confidence, reduces social isolation, improves mental and physical health and provides access to practical help.

“Mentoring has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my own life; it's such a rewarding scheme to be involved with. It gives me an immense feeling of achievement to see my mentee achieve a personal goal, knowing my input has assisted them in getting there.”

Make a Referral

Do you know someone that could benefit from this service?


Please, complete our Mentee Referral if you would like to make a quick and easy referral for yourself or someone that you know.


“As a result of mentoring my mood and my motivation are much higher. My acceptance that I deserve happiness. I never would have said that I deserve a nice home”

Outcomes & Successes


Since 2018, The Lighthouse project has delivered over 1000 hours of mentoring.

All mentees have reported either an improvement in their health and wellbeing or an increase in their self-esteem.


In 2021, 100% of mentees said they felt less lonely as a result of mentoring.

How it works


We begin by checking and training volunteers who are suitable for the role.


Once they are ready to start their mentoring, we assess referrals to the service that may need mentoring.


They too may receive some support to prepare them for mentoring as it can be just as daunting for our mentees.


Based on the preferences, interests and needs of both the mentor and mentee, we make a suitable match.


If it is a face-to-face relationship, the first ‘match’ meeting is made at a neutral and safe place where the Mentoring Coordinator is also present.


At this meeting we discuss the ‘mentoring agreement’ which outlines boundaries, expectations and timelines.


If it is a telephone relationship, the mentor makes a ‘test’ call to the mentee to discuss the ‘mentoring agreement’.


Once the agreement is made, the face-to-face mentors begin meeting their mentees in a public safe space every week to work towards achieving their set goals.


Whilst the telephone mentors begin their weekly phone calls instead.


Both mediums work well and have created life-changing outcomes.

Become a Mentor

We view mentoring as a professional relationship, and relationships are at the heart of creating a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE).


To become a mentor you must be willing to commit to building the relationship with your mentee for the full period of three to six months and also do the following:


  • Complete an application form

  • Be subject to a DBS check

  • Provide two written references

  • Attend at least five hours of training

  • Attend a monthly Reflective Space with other experienced mentors


If you are interested in this role, please:


Register your Interest.


“I couldn’t have asked for a better person to be matched with, I now have something to look forward to each week”

Chatting Over Coffee


Our mentors are all volunteers with different backgrounds, beliefs and skills, with or without experience of mentoring.


Our mentors either meet face-to-face with their mentee once a week for a couple of hours for up to six months to listen, talk to, assist and accompany them to achieve personal goals, or call their mentees once a week for three to six months in order to provide a listening ear that reduces loneliness and improves wellbeing.


“It was good to have at least one person I could talk to in my contacts. I probably could have contacted her more but when I did use it, it was a massive help. It's hard for me to reach out to people so if I was struggling I wouldn't.”


Our mentees are individuals who are homeless, ‘sofa surfing’ or living in sub-standard accommodation, or are at risk of homelessness.


They often have multiple and complex needs and have experienced trauma in their lives which causes difficulty in engaging with new services and maintaining a healthy life style.


They likely face chronic loneliness and social isolation, some have offending backgrounds, addiction difficulties, and most have ongoing physical or mental health problems. Most are economically inactive when they join the project.


Mentees are often referred to the service internally from other The Bridge services or from our partners in the city.

Image by Nik Shuliahin
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