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Guest Survey

Summer 2024

Thank you for completing The Bridge’s Guest Survey. This survey has been designed to better understand the people we are supporting and the effectiveness of the services we provide.

All answers given will remain anonymous and are optional.

1. How old are you?
2. Which category best describes your gender?
5. Which category best describes your marital status?
6. How long have you lived in Leicester?
7. What is your accommodation status?
8. If you answered 'yes' to rough sleeping, how long have you been rough sleeping for?
9. If you answered 'yes' to any of the other categories, how long have you been staying there for for?
10. Have you experienced/are experiencing any of the following? Tick all that apply to you.
11. Are you currently receiving support from a Case Worker at The Bridge?
12. If you answered yes, what have you received support with? Tick all that apply to you.
13. Are you accessing any of the following at The Bridge? Tick all that apply to you.
14. What other services do you access at The Bridge? Tick all that apply to you.
15. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the services we provide at The Bridge?
18. Are you currently attending any of our Recreational Activities? Tick all that apply to you.
19. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the Recreational Actives we provide at The Bridge?
20. What do you enjoy most about the Recreational Activities? Tick all that apply to you.
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